Mohyal History

Jai Mohyal to all members Club Mohyal .

It has been observed from face book, and other forums, that young Mohyals also have a passion for Mohyaliyat and Mohyal History but do not have ready access to suitable material for their varying needs.
(founder shri R T MOHAN )
(  Founder Shri Rishi Mohan )
(  Founder Shri Rishi Mohan )

has been set up as an archival website for the study, research and discussion of Mohyal History. It will be a complete compendium (or a mini library) of whatever substantial has been written about our past – and a forum for recording more. Its corpus has been ‘categorized’ to provide access for ‘differing’ needs of beginners, connoisseurs and scholars. It is hoped this facility will help to strengthen the feeling of mohyaliyat  in the community.
